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Using 4D Models in Hammer Missions

Updated: Dec 3, 2023


We have all heard of 3D models but what are 4D models??

The fourth dimension or 4D is time, but how does that work when it comes to collecting high-quality drone data?

By using our new 4D timeline feature you can compare data you have collected over a period of time to check for anomalies, issues, or in the case of construction, progress...

In this tutorial, we will be looking at how you implement your projects into a 4D timeline.


Step 1: Open Hammer Hub and select 'Data Analysis' on the left-hand menu. With data analysis open select New Folder.

4D model workflow

Step 2: With the new folder selected you will see a toggle option for 4D with the text:

If enabled, all the projects in this folder will be displayed in a timeline when the data was captured

Select this toggle and give your new 4D folder a name then press OK.

4d model workflow

Step 3: With your new 4D folder created you can now start moving your previous related projects into that folder to create your 4D timeline.

To move your related projects (in this case it will be projects related to The Mill) select the icon shown below:

4d model workflow 3

This will give you the option to move that project into a specified folder, in this case, the folder is The Mill 4D.

The Mill 4D model

Select the folder and press save.

Step 4: Repeat this process until you have all the projects you require contained in your 4D model folder. With that folder open you will be able to see the relevant projects contained within.

Create a 4D model folder

Step 5: Now you can select and open any one of those projects to open the 4D timeline view.

4d model, timeline view

you will see at the top of the page that there are now, in this case, four different versions of the mill to select from.

Step 6: You can now move between these projects by clicking on each one individually. This will bring up that project for you to have a look at.

4D model in Hammer Missions

Step 7: To compare each project select the COMPARE button in green. Once this has been selected you will see that the projects on the timeline have a tickbox next to each of them.

4D modelling in Hammer Missions

Select the projects you want to compare and then press the LAUNCH button in green. At any time you wish to cancel this action press the CANCEL button in orange.

Step 8: Once launched you will be presented with a split-screen with both of the projects you have selected on either side.

4D and 3D models in Hammer Missions

Step 9: From here all the functionality of our 3D models is available to use including measurements and volumetric measurements. Each model will be updated independently of the other.

You will see from the image below that the cameras have also been turned off.

3D and 4D model functionality

Step 10: You can also select individual images from each project. With the cameras turned on select one of the yellow dots and this will bring up the picture related to that capture.

Images from 4D model

Step 11: With these pictures open you are able to annotate the images as you would in a standard project.

Annotation of 3D and 4D models

Step 12: These dots will now turn orange when you go back to view 4D with the cameras turned on.

4D view in Hammer Missions

Step 13: To come out of the 4D view select BACK TO TIMELINE, in the top left, at any time to be taken back to the timeline view.

Timeline View in Hammer Missions

As you can see the measurements and annotations created in the 4D view have pulled through into the timeline view.


We hope this tutorial has helped you understand how to implement a 4D models into your workflow.

If you'd like to learn more about how to high-quality data and get the most out of your drone missions, please feel free to visit our learning resources.

If you haven't got a Hammer account as yet and would like to try Hammer Missions you can get started on our free trial.

To learn more about our enterprise solutions, including mission collaboration, data processing, and AI solutions, please contact us at

We look forward to hearing from you.

— Team at Hammer Missions


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