The vision sensors on the M300 are a very important integral part of the aircraft, adding that extra level of safety and precise guidance.
But what happens if the vision sensors lose their calibration?
For starters, this can prevent the drone from taking off, which is not something you want to find out on site! At the same time, flying without properly calibrating your vision sensors is not recommended as this can be a safety issue.
In this article, we will look at how you calibrate the vision sensors to keep your aircraft flying at its optimal performance.
Everything you need to actually calibrate the aircraft should have come with the M300 but you will need to download DJI Assistant 2 Enterprise to be able to initialise the process.
The link for DJI Assistant 2 Enterprise is below: DJI Assistant 2 Enterprise
How to Calibrate Vision Sensors? [Video]
If you prefer watching a video, here's one on the end-to-end process:
Calibration Board
To Calibrate the M300 you will need to use the DJI Calibration board which came with your aircraft, please see the picture below for reference:

Vision Sensors
The vision sensors on the M300 are all around the aircraft, located on the front, top, back and underside.




To prepare your M300 first we have to connect it to a computer via USB-C. Locate the USB-C port on the top of your unit.

Plug in the USB-C cable and then plug the other end into your computer.

Now load DJI Assistant 2 Enterprise on your computer.

Power up your M300

With DJI Assistant 2 Enterprise now loaded select the M300 Icon from the main screen.

With the M300 now connected select calibration from the menu on the left.

In this example, we will be calibrating the underside vision sensors, known as the downward Sensor.
For this next part, you will need the DJI Calibration board mentioned at the start of this post.
The calibration is done in stages, the first stage is to line the board up with the sensor until the red lines fall within the green lines. It takes a bit of time so be patient.

Once they line up the lines will turn blue.

Then it is time to move on to the next stage. In this stage, you have to tilt the board until the whole vertical line turns to blue. It is very important to tilt the board and not move it as this will cause the process to start again.

Once this stage is complete you have to repeat the process for horizontal. Remember to tilt the board and not move it. It can be tricky to get the hang of so be patient.

Once this process has been completed you will have to repeat it three times to fully calibrate the sensor. DJI Assistant 2 Enterprise will guide you through the process until the sensor reaches 100% calibration.
This process can be repeated for all of the sensors on the aircraft.
We hope this post was useful and gives you an insight into how to calibrate the vision sensors on your DJI M300.
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