Today, we are thrilled to announce the launch of Hamlet AI, a ground-breaking AI agent seamlessly integrated into Hammer Hub, designed to empower construction, renewable energy, and infrastructure teams in managing and monitoring their drone photogrammetry projects with unprecedented efficiency.
Hamlet AI takes drone workflows to a new level by providing instant insights and comprehensive analytics, allowing teams to effortlessly track their sites and assets over time. Simply ask questions like "what are the main issues in this project?" and receive immediate responses with links to identified issues and documented plans.

✨ Hamlet AI: Key Features and Use-Cases
1. Understanding Changes Over Time:
For Construction & Mining Firms: Monitor stockpile volumes and project progression effortlessly.
For Asset Managers: Keep track of asset conditions and changes in real-time.

2. Bird's Eye View of Drone Photogrammetry Projects:
Obtain a holistic view of all projects at any given time without manual data digging.
Hamlet AI acts as your personal assistant, answering questions related to your drone photogrammetry projects promptly.
3. Tracking Issues and Project Analytics:
Monitor the status of open issues with ease. Quantify project risk and generate graphs and custom analytics for comprehensive project delivery insights and success evaluation.
"Hamlet AI is not just an AI agent; it's a game-changer in the construction, renewable energy, and infrastructure sectors," said Varun Sarwal, Director at Hammer Missions. "Our goal is to simplify drone photogrammetry & project management by providing teams with the tools they need to make informed decisions instantly. Hamlet AI is the answer to increased efficiency, reduced manual efforts, and improved project success rates."
Hamlet AI is poised to revolutionize the way teams manage projects, offering a streamlined solution for enhanced intelligence from drone derived data. Its user-friendly interface and powerful capabilities make it an indispensable tool for drone mapping professionals and businesses looking to leverage drone technology for monitoring project progress.
Want to see Hamlet AI in action and find out how it can provide fast and enhanced intelligence for your drone operations? Arrange a demo with one of our drone photogrammetry specialists.
About Hammer Missions
Hammer Missions provides enterprise-grade drone software solutions. With a commitment to innovation and excellence, we strive to provide cutting-edge solutions to address the unique challenges faced by our clients in the construction, renewable energy, and infrastructure sectors using drones.