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Processing Drone 3D Models

Writer: Hammer MissionsHammer Missions

Updated: Dec 3, 2023

3D Model Using Hammer Missions


In this guide, we will look at how to create a 3D mapping workflow and the process of how you turn your captured data into a fully rendered 3D image.

This guide assumes you have already captured your data using a 3D Mapping Mission and captured your obliques using a tower mission, facade mission, or a lateral capture mission.

For more information on the types of data capture involved in the 3D Modeling process please refer to our 'How To' guide:

3D Mapping is now available on our cruise and enterprise plans, for pricing information please see our pricing page

Why not have a look at our sample 3D Mapping model in Hammer Hub by clicking the link below:

3D Mapping Workflow

So your data has been collected in the field and you are ready to process your data into a 3D model, so how do we do this?

1: Open Hammer Hub, move your cursor over to the left, and select Data Analysis

3D mapping workflow

2: Select New Project

3D mapping with drones workflow2

3: Fill in your project details and press continue

4: Select your images from your source and upload them by either dragging and dropping or clicking in the space to manually upload them. Once you have added them press continue

3D mapping with drones workflow 3

5: Once your images have been uploaded (this can take some time depending on the number of images and your internet connection speed) you will be presented with the following screen which will enable you to create your project.

3d mapping with drones workflow 4

6: The project will now process and get uploaded to Hammer Missions servers, again this make take some time depending on the number of images and your internet connection speed.

7: Once all the data has been uploaded you will be presented with your completed project overview. You will see from the mini-map that this workflow was created using both a 3D Mission and a form of orbital capture.

3D map with Hammer Missions

8: To create your 3D Model from your collected data, now that it has been uploaded, press the process button in the top right of the screen.

3D mapping with Hammer Missions example

9: Once you have pressed process a pop-up will appear on the screen, select Generate 3D Model to start processing your data.

generate a 3D model

10: Your 3D model is now in the processing stage and you will see from the five progress stages how far along the process your model is. Please take note of the message regarding processing time. You will receive an email once your model has completed and you do not have to keep this dialogue box open.

process 3D model

11: Once the process has been completed you will be presented with your 3D model alongside the mini-map and your original collected data. Use your mouse to rotate the model and zoom in and out. You can also make your 3D model full screen by clicking the maximise tile icon in the top right corner of your model.

3D model with Hammer Missions

3D Model Created using Hammer Missions

3D mapping & modelling with Hammer Missions


We hope this guide helps you learn how to create a 3D mapping workflow with Hammer Missions. If you'd like to learn more about how to capture high-quality data and get the most out of your drone missions using our cloud-based platform, please feel free to visit our learning resources.

If you haven't got a Hammer account as yet and would like to try Hammer Missions you can get started on our free trial.

To learn more about our enterprise solutions, including mission collaboration, data processing, and AI solutions, please contact us at

We look forward to hearing from you.

— Team at Hammer Missions

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