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How to use Thermal Temperature Scaling with Drone Data in Hammer Missions?

Writer: Hammer MissionsHammer Missions


Modern drones with thermal sensors/cameras greatly simplify the process for capturing and processing thermal data.

Here at Hammer Missions, we have created the perfect workflow within Hammer Hub for you to expedite your thermal data processing and analysis workflow, thereby enabling you to achieve valuable insights within very short timescales.

In this tutorial, we will look at how you can use the thermal analysis features in Hammer Hub to assist your workflows.

This workflow is useful when you wish to scale the temperature in the images to bring out the thermal anomalies more.

This tutorial assumes that you have already used a drone with a suitable thermal camera to collect your data and you have generated a thermal data project in Hammer Hub.

Note: These workflows are currently compatible with DJI thermal cameras - DJI M3T | DJI M2EA | DJI M4T only.


  1. Open your Hammer Project (based on a thermal capture)

  2. Click on an area of the model (that you see on the left side of the screen)

  3. Click on the temperature symbol (in the panel on the right of screen)

  4. Next, click on the Green circle icon with the square and diagonal lines

  5. You can use the Temperature colour palette icon, to select from 3 preset temperature colour palettes (Ironbow, Electric and Jet) to apply to the detail level image on the right

  6. The image below shows the impact of selecting the 'Jet' temperature palette

  7. In order to adjust the contrast in the detail image (and also to better identify areas of interest), use the slider controls to the right of the detail image, to modify the temperature thresholds.

  8. A different representation of the exact same captured image above, following adjustment of the temperature thresholds controls

    Curious to learn how temperature measurements and scaling tie into a broader workflow? Check out our video below:


    In this post, we looked at how to use the temperature scaling functions to help process your thermal data in Hammer Missions.

    If you'd like to learn more about how to capture high-quality data and get the most out of your drone flights using our cloud-based platform, please feel free to visit our learning resources.

    📖 Written Guides:

    How to Process Your Thermal Data in Hammer Missions

    Read our guide to carrying out thermal roof inspections here.

    A Step-by-Step Guide to Thermal Inspections with the DJI M3T

    📹 Video Guides:

    End to End Visual & Thermal Inspections in Hammer Missions

    Drone Building Inspections & AI

    Finding Water Issues During Facade & Roof Inspections

    To learn more about our enterprise solutions, including mission collaboration, data processing, and AI solutions, please contact us at

    We look forward to hearing from you!

    — Team at Hammer Missions


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