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The Missing Step in Drone Workflows

Writer: Hammer MissionsHammer Missions

Updated: May 31, 2023


Drone workflows involve many different steps to structure your mission effectively.

This post will look at drone workflows and the all-important missing step!

First, we will look at the steps in a workflow.

Workflow Steps

These are the essential steps to consider when creating your drone workflow:

  • Mission Planning

  • Data Capture

  • Data Processing

  • Measurements

  • Annotations

  • Data Sharing

  • Reporting

So those steps above seem to cover everything...right?

Well, there is one major step that is missing, which in some respects is one of the most important steps to consider.

That step is Data Verification!

What is Data Verification?

Data verification is very important and plays a major part in the workflow, but what is data verification.

Data verification involves checking and verifying the data before leaving the job site, this step would fit comfortably in between data capture and data processing, but why is it so important?

There is nothing worse than returning to the office after spending time in the field collecting valuable data to find that some of your data is corrupt, out of focus or not aligned correctly.

What would you have to do? Thats right, return to site and re-capture, which inevitably impacts the overall cost of the operation.

Verifying your data in the field is a very easy process and skipping this step may cost you valuable time and money.

Best practice is to use your flight app to have a look at your data before you leave so that you can check it for issues and recapture if necessary. You could also check the data using a laptop if out have brought one to the field with you.

Here at Hammer Missions we are in the process of developing a Data Verification tool that sits directly inside the Hammer App so that you can verify your captured data before leaving the site.

Watch this space for upcoming details!

Update: We have now released v1.0 for data verification! Check it out below:

Did You Know?

We recently conducted a poll to see how often drone professionals have to repeat their flights because of bad data quality.

The results show us that Data Verification can play a vital part in Drone Workflows.

Over 45% of the professionals have to repeat their flights between 5-20% of the time!

This can be extremely detrimental when travel to the site is sometimes the biggest cost in the operation. So we highly recommend building in data verification to your workflows.


We hope this article helps you understand why Data Verification is important and the steps to verify your data.

If you'd like to learn more about how to produce high-quality data and get the most out of your drone missions, please feel free to visit our learning resources

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To learn more about our enterprise solutions, including mission collaboration, data processing, and AI solutions, please contact us at

We look forward to hearing from you.

- Team at Hammer Missions

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