Our Android app has now launched in the US and UK!
In other places, our Android app is now in the final stages of beta testing! If you haven't already, you can request access to our app over here.
1. Supported Missions
Facade Inspections
Tower Mapping
Grid Mapping
Linear Mapping
2. Supported Drones
Inspire 2,
Matrice 100,
Phantom 4 series,
Matrice 600, 600 pro, 200, 210, 200 v2
Mavic pro, Mavic air,
Mavic 2 zoom, Mavic 2 pro, Mavic 2,
Mavic 2 enterprise, Mavic 2 enterprise dual
Hammer Hub 🖥️
1. Coming Soon - 3D Modelling
Thrilled to share that we will launching our very own 3D modelling service soon!
Stay tuned to learn more.

2. Solar Farm Missions
We've added GSD calculation support to Solar Farm Missions.
3. Improved Hints for Polygon creation
Creating and using polygons has been made more intuitive.
4. Improved compatibility with Grammarly
Now annotate images seamlessly in Hammer Hub even if you have grammarly installed.
5. Fixes
Interim issue with flight logs not being rendered is now fixed.
Interim issue with tie lines in mag missions is now fixed.
1. DJI SDK Updated
The iOS app is now using the latest SDK from DJI.
2. Wind Turbine Inspection - Overlap parameter
Wind Turbine Missions now support distance calculations using the overlap parameter.
Learn more from our video tutorial below.
3. Coming Soon - RTK Integration
We're working towards an integration with D-RTK 2 base station for M300 and P4 RTK. Stay tuned to learn more!
And that’s it for this release! If you have any questions or would like to learn more about our enterprise solutions, please do reach out to us.
We look forward to hearing from you.
- Team at Hammer Missions